My name is Destiny Clarke and I am currently a high school English teacher in Alamance county, North Carolina. This is my third full year of teaching, and I love it! I have been implementing standards based grading (SBG) in my classroom for about two (2) years with a hybrid semester in the beginning and many changes since then!
If you are unfamiliar with what Standards Based Grading is, you can check out my post HERE.
Basically, this is how it goes (I actually have this flowchart set up in my classroom as well):
Image from Cashmere School District |
I am currently working in a PLC (Professional Learning Community for those of you who are unfamiliar with the thousands of acronyms in the field of Education) with three (3) other colleagues, one of which, I created the PLC with. We meet at least once a month to discuss our grade output technology, which is PowerTeacherPro, assessment ideas, implementation ideas, etc. There are currently two (2) ELA teachers, including myself, one (1) Chemistry teacher (who I started the PLC with), and a Social Studies teacher.
We all have different ways of implementing the system into our pedagogy and classrooms, but come together and agree on modes of assessment. There are tons of ways to implement standards based grading into your classroom, but it all comes down to assessing students on their knowledge of your state standards for your content area.
This blog will document my current implementation, resources, and information about standards based grading, in general. There will also be some lifestyle posts about teaching, technology in the classroom, and reflection.
I am excited to start this journey! Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.
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